For the first time since 2019, we will be having an in-person Coworker's Retreat! This year's theme, Tasting the Sweetness of Serving is focused on renewing and refreshing our coworkers serving in various ministries. We ask brothers and sisters to pray for this retreat and its preparation.
Who is Coworker's Retreat for? Please register if:
我们将举行三年来的第一次實體同工退修会!今年的主题是 "品尝服事的甘甜",重点是更新我们在不同事工中服事的同工,使他们重新得力。 我们请弟兄姐妹们为这次退修会及其准备工作祷告。
Location: Forest Home Retreat Center
Dates: September 3-5, 2022 |
地点:Forest Home 森林之家退修中心
日期:9月3日星期六至9月5日星期一 |
Church Ministries Pulse Questionnaire 教會事工脈搏問卷
Pulses reflect the health of our body. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess the pulse of our church ministries to identify where we are in serving the Lord spiritually, mentally, and physically. This is an anonymous questionnaire, which may take 15 - 30 minutes to complete.
心臟的跳動反映我們身體的健康狀況。這份問卷的目的是快速“檢查”我們在靈性、心理和身體上服侍事工的情況。這份問卷是匿名的。大約需要 15 - 30 分鐘完成。
Please complete this questionnaire by August 27. We will analyze and summarize survey results and then share results in the Co-worker Retreat. We will share results with church ministry teams as well.
請在 8月27日前完成本問卷調查。我們將分析和總結調查結果,然後在同工退修會上報告。我們也會與教會事工團隊分享結果。
Link 鏈接:
Pulses reflect the health of our body. The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess the pulse of our church ministries to identify where we are in serving the Lord spiritually, mentally, and physically. This is an anonymous questionnaire, which may take 15 - 30 minutes to complete.
心臟的跳動反映我們身體的健康狀況。這份問卷的目的是快速“檢查”我們在靈性、心理和身體上服侍事工的情況。這份問卷是匿名的。大約需要 15 - 30 分鐘完成。
Please complete this questionnaire by August 27. We will analyze and summarize survey results and then share results in the Co-worker Retreat. We will share results with church ministry teams as well.
請在 8月27日前完成本問卷調查。我們將分析和總結調查結果,然後在同工退修會上報告。我們也會與教會事工團隊分享結果。
Link 鏈接:
Past Retreats message recordings
Sacrificial Love 犧牲的愛
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
Sacrificial Love 犧牲的愛
Elder Hong-Fu Liu 劉宏富長老
Sacrificial Love 犧牲的愛
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
Sacrificial Love 犧牲的愛
Elder Hong-Fu Liu 劉宏富長老
Theme: Lord, I Am Willing - The Servant's Heart 主, 我願意 - 僕人的心
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
Dates: September 2-4, 2017
Location: Forest Home
Message 1 - Who Me, A Servant? 我是僕人嗎?
Message 2 - Learning to be a Servant of God 學習做神的僕人
Message 3 - Lord, I Belong to You 主,我屬祢
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
Dates: September 2-4, 2017
Location: Forest Home
Message 1 - Who Me, A Servant? 我是僕人嗎?
Message 2 - Learning to be a Servant of God 學習做神的僕人
Message 3 - Lord, I Belong to You 主,我屬祢
Theme: Follow Christ and Hold on Tight! 跟隨主腳蹤,緊握主恩手
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
Dates: September 1-3, 2018
Location: Forest Home
Message 1 : Jesus' Invitation to Rest 耶穌邀請我們來休息 (Matthew 11:28)
Message 2 : Put on the Lord Jesus Christ 披戴主耶穌基督 (Romans 13:11-14, Galatians 3:27)
Message 3 : Transformation in Christ 在耶穌中的改變 (Romans 8:29)
Message 4 : We are One in Christ 在基督內合一 (Galatians 3:26-28, Romans 12:5)
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
Dates: September 1-3, 2018
Location: Forest Home
Message 1 : Jesus' Invitation to Rest 耶穌邀請我們來休息 (Matthew 11:28)
Message 2 : Put on the Lord Jesus Christ 披戴主耶穌基督 (Romans 13:11-14, Galatians 3:27)
Message 3 : Transformation in Christ 在耶穌中的改變 (Romans 8:29)
Message 4 : We are One in Christ 在基督內合一 (Galatians 3:26-28, Romans 12:5)
Theme: Strengthen the Core: The Visible and Powerful Testimony of the Church
主題: 建造核心: 教會那顯而易見又強而有力的見證
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
主題: 建造核心: 教會那顯而易見又強而有力的見證
Speakers: Pastor Alex Liu and Pastor James Fan
Message 1: We want to be a church committed to preaching God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:2-3)
信息#1: 我們要作為一個致力於宣講神話語的教會(提摩太後書 4:2-3)
Message 2 : We want to be a church committed to prayer
信息#2: 我們要作為一個致力於禱告的教會
Message 3 : We want to be a church committed to active ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16)
信息#3: 我們要作為一個致力於有活力積極服事的教會(以弗所書 4:11-16)
Message 4 : We want to be a church committed to mutual care and fellowship
信息#4: 我們要作為一個致力於肢體彼此交接,相互關照的教會