2017 Sunday Sermons (主日信息)
2017-12-31 Ephesians 以弗所書 5:17
Faith Foundations: To know God's will
信仰根基系列: 認識神的旨意
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-17 1 John 約翰ㄧ書 2:3-6; Proverbs 箴言3:5-6
Faith Foundations: Trust and Obey
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-10 羅馬書Rom 10:13-14, 約翰福音John 4:7-42
Faith Foundations: Evangelism - Compelled to Preach the Gospel
信仰根基系列:宣教 - 不得不傳的福音
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-03 Faith Foundations: The Church; Why is church so important?
信仰根基系列:教会; 为什么教会如此重要?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-11-26 1 Thess 5:18 帖撒羅尼迦前書
In Everything Give Thanks 凡事謝恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-19 1 Samuel 撒母耳前書 19-24
In the midst of tough times, what do I do? 在困難時期,我該怎麼辦?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-11-12 1 Corinthians哥林多前书 12:1,4-7
Faith Foundation: Spiritual Gifts 屬靈的恩賜
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-05 Luke 路加福音 7:36-50
A Sinner in Town 城中的罪人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-10-29 Titus 提多書 3:5-7
Faith Foundations: The Holy Spirit 信仰根基系列:聖靈
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-22 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:4-12
The Service of Paul(4) 保羅的事奉(4)
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-10-15 Luke 路加福音11:1-4
Faith Foundations: Prayer 信仰根基系列:禱告
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-08 1 Peter 彼得前書2:24-25; Ps 詩篇23:1-4
Faith Foundations: The Work of Christ 信仰根基系列:基督的事工
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017 -10-01 Colossians 歌羅西書 1:18-23
Faith Foundations : Who is Jesus Christ? 信仰根基系列:耶穌基督是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-24 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
The Service of Paul (3) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-09-17 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 2:11-12
Faith Foundations : The Characters and Attributes of God 信仰根基系列:神的性格與屬性
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:31; 1 John 約翰壹書 2:3-6
Faith Foundations: How to study Bible 信仰的根基-如何讀經
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-27 加拉太書Galatians 2:20
The Service of Paul (2) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-08-20 提摩太後書 2 Tim. 3:16-17;羅馬書 Rom. 15:4
Faith Foundations : The Bible - An Introduction 信仰根基系列:聖經介紹
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-13 Luke 路加福音15:11-32
Faith Foundations: Salvation 信仰的根基-救恩
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-06 出埃及記Ex. 17:5-6;哥林多前書1 Cor. 10:1-4
The Rock That Brings Forth Living Water 湧流活水的磐石
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-07-30 Nehemiah尼希米记 1:1-11
Nehemiah’s Example of a Servant’s Heart 一个仆人的心:尼希米的榜样
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-23 Galatians 加拉太書 1:11-24
The Service of Paul 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-07-16 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22
A Man After God’s Heart 大衛:合神心意的人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-07-09 Book of Esther 以斯帖記
Esther – Blessed For a Purpose 以斯帖-蒙福的目的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-02 Romans 羅馬書 4:18; Hebrews 希伯來書 11:6
Abraham: The Portrait of Faith and Grace亞伯拉罕:因信稱義,經歷主恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-25 Joshua 約書亞記 2
Rahab - Faith in an Unlikely Place 喇合 - 似無可能卻成為可能的信
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Words to Fathers 給父親的話
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-11 Colossians 歌羅西書 4:7-18
Every Christian is Part of the Team to Serve Christ 每一個基督徒都是服事基督團隊的一份子
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-06-04 Philippians 腓立比書 3:13-14;2 Corinthians 哥林多後書 5:7-9
The Purpose Driven Life of A Christian 基督徒的標竿人生
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
2017-05-21 Colossians 歌羅西書4:2-6
Growing in Prayer 在禱告中成長
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-14 Colossians 歌羅西書3:18-4:1
How the New Life Transforms the Family 新生命如何改变家庭
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-07 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:5-17
The Christian Distinctives 基督徒的與眾不同
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-04-30 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:1-4
Seek the things that are above 當求天上的事
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-04-23 John 約翰福音 20:1-9
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection 基督復活的意義
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
Easter Series 復活節系列
2017-04-16 John約翰福音 20:1-8, 10-20
Easter Series - The Glory of Resurrection - The Empty Tomb - 復活的榮耀 - 空墳墓
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-04-02 Romans 1:2-4
True Power of the Resurrection 復活的大能
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-02-26 Ecclesiastes 傳道書 12:13-14
Studying the Word will help us to understand the way to live 讀經使信徒明白做人的原則
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-02-19 Colossians 歌羅西書1:21-2:7
Christ in you, the Hope of Glory 榮耀的盼望 - 基督在你裡面
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-02-12 Colossians 歌羅西書1:15-20
Jesus Made It All and Jesus Paid it All 耶穌創造了萬有,耶穌付出了一切
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-02-05 Colossians 歌羅西書1:1-14
The Colossian Church 歌羅西的教會
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-01-15 Luke 路加福音22:31-32
The Faith that Fails Not 不會失敗的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-01-08 Ephesians 以弗所書 3:14-19
Dead or Alive 死的或活的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-01-01 Eph 以弗所書 4:22-24
Put off your old self and put on the new self 脫去舊人,穿上新人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
Faith Foundations: To know God's will
信仰根基系列: 認識神的旨意
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-17 1 John 約翰ㄧ書 2:3-6; Proverbs 箴言3:5-6
Faith Foundations: Trust and Obey
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-10 羅馬書Rom 10:13-14, 約翰福音John 4:7-42
Faith Foundations: Evangelism - Compelled to Preach the Gospel
信仰根基系列:宣教 - 不得不傳的福音
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-03 Faith Foundations: The Church; Why is church so important?
信仰根基系列:教会; 为什么教会如此重要?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-11-26 1 Thess 5:18 帖撒羅尼迦前書
In Everything Give Thanks 凡事謝恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-19 1 Samuel 撒母耳前書 19-24
In the midst of tough times, what do I do? 在困難時期,我該怎麼辦?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-11-12 1 Corinthians哥林多前书 12:1,4-7
Faith Foundation: Spiritual Gifts 屬靈的恩賜
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-05 Luke 路加福音 7:36-50
A Sinner in Town 城中的罪人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-10-29 Titus 提多書 3:5-7
Faith Foundations: The Holy Spirit 信仰根基系列:聖靈
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-22 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:4-12
The Service of Paul(4) 保羅的事奉(4)
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-10-15 Luke 路加福音11:1-4
Faith Foundations: Prayer 信仰根基系列:禱告
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-08 1 Peter 彼得前書2:24-25; Ps 詩篇23:1-4
Faith Foundations: The Work of Christ 信仰根基系列:基督的事工
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017 -10-01 Colossians 歌羅西書 1:18-23
Faith Foundations : Who is Jesus Christ? 信仰根基系列:耶穌基督是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-24 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
The Service of Paul (3) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-09-17 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 2:11-12
Faith Foundations : The Characters and Attributes of God 信仰根基系列:神的性格與屬性
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:31; 1 John 約翰壹書 2:3-6
Faith Foundations: How to study Bible 信仰的根基-如何讀經
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-27 加拉太書Galatians 2:20
The Service of Paul (2) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-08-20 提摩太後書 2 Tim. 3:16-17;羅馬書 Rom. 15:4
Faith Foundations : The Bible - An Introduction 信仰根基系列:聖經介紹
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-13 Luke 路加福音15:11-32
Faith Foundations: Salvation 信仰的根基-救恩
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-06 出埃及記Ex. 17:5-6;哥林多前書1 Cor. 10:1-4
The Rock That Brings Forth Living Water 湧流活水的磐石
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-07-30 Nehemiah尼希米记 1:1-11
Nehemiah’s Example of a Servant’s Heart 一个仆人的心:尼希米的榜样
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-23 Galatians 加拉太書 1:11-24
The Service of Paul 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-07-16 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22
A Man After God’s Heart 大衛:合神心意的人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-07-09 Book of Esther 以斯帖記
Esther – Blessed For a Purpose 以斯帖-蒙福的目的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-02 Romans 羅馬書 4:18; Hebrews 希伯來書 11:6
Abraham: The Portrait of Faith and Grace亞伯拉罕:因信稱義,經歷主恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-25 Joshua 約書亞記 2
Rahab - Faith in an Unlikely Place 喇合 - 似無可能卻成為可能的信
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Words to Fathers 給父親的話
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-11 Colossians 歌羅西書 4:7-18
Every Christian is Part of the Team to Serve Christ 每一個基督徒都是服事基督團隊的一份子
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-06-04 Philippians 腓立比書 3:13-14;2 Corinthians 哥林多後書 5:7-9
The Purpose Driven Life of A Christian 基督徒的標竿人生
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
2017-05-21 Colossians 歌羅西書4:2-6
Growing in Prayer 在禱告中成長
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-14 Colossians 歌羅西書3:18-4:1
How the New Life Transforms the Family 新生命如何改变家庭
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-07 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:5-17
The Christian Distinctives 基督徒的與眾不同
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-04-30 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:1-4
Seek the things that are above 當求天上的事
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-04-23 John 約翰福音 20:1-9
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection 基督復活的意義
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
Easter Series 復活節系列
2017-04-16 John約翰福音 20:1-8, 10-20
Easter Series - The Glory of Resurrection - The Empty Tomb - 復活的榮耀 - 空墳墓
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-04-02 Romans 1:2-4
True Power of the Resurrection 復活的大能
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-02-26 Ecclesiastes 傳道書 12:13-14
Studying the Word will help us to understand the way to live 讀經使信徒明白做人的原則
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-02-19 Colossians 歌羅西書1:21-2:7
Christ in you, the Hope of Glory 榮耀的盼望 - 基督在你裡面
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-02-12 Colossians 歌羅西書1:15-20
Jesus Made It All and Jesus Paid it All 耶穌創造了萬有,耶穌付出了一切
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-02-05 Colossians 歌羅西書1:1-14
The Colossian Church 歌羅西的教會
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-01-15 Luke 路加福音22:31-32
The Faith that Fails Not 不會失敗的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-01-08 Ephesians 以弗所書 3:14-19
Dead or Alive 死的或活的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-01-01 Eph 以弗所書 4:22-24
Put off your old self and put on the new self 脫去舊人,穿上新人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
Faith Foundations 信仰根基系列
2017-12-31 Eph 以弗所書 5:17
Faith Foundations: To know God's will
信仰根基系列: 認識神的旨意
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-17 1 John 約翰ㄧ書 2:3-6; Proverbs 箴言3:5-6
Faith Foundations: Trust and Obey
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-10 羅馬書Rom 10:13-14, 約翰福音John 4:7-42
Faith Foundations: Evangelism - Compelled to Preach the Gospel
信仰根基系列:宣教 - 不得不傳的福音
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
Faith Foundations: The Church; Why is church so important?
信仰根基系列:教会; 为什么教会如此重要?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-11-12 1 Corinthians哥林多前书 12:1,4-7
Faith Foundation: Spiritual Gifts 屬靈的恩賜
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-10-29 Titus 提多書 3:5-7
Faith Foundations: The Holy Spirit 信仰根基系列:聖靈
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-15 Luke 路加福音11:1-4
Faith Foundations: Prayer 信仰根基系列:禱告
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-08 1 Peter 彼得前書2:24-25; Ps 詩篇23:1-4
Faith Foundations: The Work of Christ 信仰根基系列:基督的事工
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017 -10-01 Colossians 歌羅西書 1:18-23
Faith Foundations : Who is Jesus Christ? 信仰根基系列:耶穌基督是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-17 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 2:11-12
Faith Foundations : The Characters and Attributes of God 信仰根基系列:神的性格與屬性
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:31; 1 John 約翰壹書 2:3-6
Faith Foundations: How to study Bible 信仰的根基-如何讀經
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-20 提摩太後書 2 Tim. 3:16-17;羅馬書 Rom. 15:4
Faith Foundations : The Bible - An Introduction 信仰根基系列:聖經介紹
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-13 Luke 路加福音15:11-32
Faith Foundations: Salvation 信仰的根基-救恩
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Faith Foundations: To know God's will
信仰根基系列: 認識神的旨意
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-17 1 John 約翰ㄧ書 2:3-6; Proverbs 箴言3:5-6
Faith Foundations: Trust and Obey
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-12-10 羅馬書Rom 10:13-14, 約翰福音John 4:7-42
Faith Foundations: Evangelism - Compelled to Preach the Gospel
信仰根基系列:宣教 - 不得不傳的福音
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
Faith Foundations: The Church; Why is church so important?
信仰根基系列:教会; 为什么教会如此重要?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-11-12 1 Corinthians哥林多前书 12:1,4-7
Faith Foundation: Spiritual Gifts 屬靈的恩賜
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-10-29 Titus 提多書 3:5-7
Faith Foundations: The Holy Spirit 信仰根基系列:聖靈
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-15 Luke 路加福音11:1-4
Faith Foundations: Prayer 信仰根基系列:禱告
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-10-08 1 Peter 彼得前書2:24-25; Ps 詩篇23:1-4
Faith Foundations: The Work of Christ 信仰根基系列:基督的事工
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017 -10-01 Colossians 歌羅西書 1:18-23
Faith Foundations : Who is Jesus Christ? 信仰根基系列:耶穌基督是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-17 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 2:11-12
Faith Foundations : The Characters and Attributes of God 信仰根基系列:神的性格與屬性
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-09-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:31; 1 John 約翰壹書 2:3-6
Faith Foundations: How to study Bible 信仰的根基-如何讀經
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-20 提摩太後書 2 Tim. 3:16-17;羅馬書 Rom. 15:4
Faith Foundations : The Bible - An Introduction 信仰根基系列:聖經介紹
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-08-13 Luke 路加福音15:11-32
Faith Foundations: Salvation 信仰的根基-救恩
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
The Service of Paul 保羅的事奉
2017-10-22 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:4-12
The Service of Paul(4) 保羅的事奉(4)
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-09-24 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
The Service of Paul (3) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-08-27 加拉太書Galatians 2:20
The Service of Paul (2) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-07-23 Galatians 加拉太書 1:11-24
The Service of Paul 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
The Service of Paul(4) 保羅的事奉(4)
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-09-24 哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
The Service of Paul (3) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-08-27 加拉太書Galatians 2:20
The Service of Paul (2) 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
2017-07-23 Galatians 加拉太書 1:11-24
The Service of Paul 保羅的事奉
Elder S. P. Chu 朱斯白長老
Character Studies 聖經人物
2017-07-30 Nehemiah尼希米记 1:1-11
Nehemiah’s Example of a Servant’s Heart 一个仆人的心:尼希米的榜样
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-16 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22
A Man After God’s Heart 大衛:合神心意的人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-07-09 Book of Esther 以斯帖記
Esther – Blessed For a Purpose 以斯帖-蒙福的目的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-02 Romans 羅馬書 4:18; Hebrews 希伯來書 11:6
Abraham: The Portrait of Faith and Grace亞伯拉罕:因信稱義,經歷主恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-25 Joshua 約書亞記 2
Rahab - Faith in an Unlikely Place 喇合 - 似無可能卻成為可能的信
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Nehemiah’s Example of a Servant’s Heart 一个仆人的心:尼希米的榜样
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-16 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22
A Man After God’s Heart 大衛:合神心意的人
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-07-09 Book of Esther 以斯帖記
Esther – Blessed For a Purpose 以斯帖-蒙福的目的
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-07-02 Romans 羅馬書 4:18; Hebrews 希伯來書 11:6
Abraham: The Portrait of Faith and Grace亞伯拉罕:因信稱義,經歷主恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-25 Joshua 約書亞記 2
Rahab - Faith in an Unlikely Place 喇合 - 似無可能卻成為可能的信
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Colossians 歌羅西書
2017-06-11 Colossians 歌羅西書 4:7-18
Every Christian is Part of the Team to Serve Christ 每一個基督徒都是服事基督團隊的一份子
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-05-21 Colossians 歌羅西書4:2-6
Growing in Prayer 在禱告中成長
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-14 Colossians 歌羅西書3:18-4:1
How the New Life Transforms the Family 新生命如何改变家庭
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-07 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:5-17
The Christian Distinctives 基督徒的與眾不同
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-04-30 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:1-4
Seek the things that are above 當求天上的事
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
Every Christian is Part of the Team to Serve Christ 每一個基督徒都是服事基督團隊的一份子
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-05-21 Colossians 歌羅西書4:2-6
Growing in Prayer 在禱告中成長
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-14 Colossians 歌羅西書3:18-4:1
How the New Life Transforms the Family 新生命如何改变家庭
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-05-07 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:5-17
The Christian Distinctives 基督徒的與眾不同
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2017-04-30 Colossians 歌羅西書 3:1-4
Seek the things that are above 當求天上的事
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
Other MEssages
2017-11-26 1 Thess 5:18 帖撒羅尼迦前書
In Everything Give Thanks 凡事謝恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-19 1 Samuel 撒母耳前書 19-24
In the midst of tough times, what do I do? 在困難時期,我該怎麼辦?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-11-05 Luke 路加福音 7:36-50
A Sinner in Town 城中的罪人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-08-06 出埃及記Ex. 17:5-6;哥林多前書1 Cor. 10:1-4
The Rock That Brings Forth Living Water 湧流活水的磐石
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
Words to Fathers 給父親的話
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-04 Philippians 腓立比書 3:13-14;2 Corinthians 哥林多後書 5:7-9
The Purpose Driven Life of A Christian 基督徒的標竿人生
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
2017-04-23 John 約翰福音 20:1-9
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection 基督復活的意義
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
Easter Series 復活節系列
2017-04-16 John約翰福音 20:1-8, 10-20
Easter Series - The Glory of Resurrection - The Empty Tomb - 復活的榮耀 - 空墳墓
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
In Everything Give Thanks 凡事謝恩
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-11-19 1 Samuel 撒母耳前書 19-24
In the midst of tough times, what do I do? 在困難時期,我該怎麼辦?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-11-05 Luke 路加福音 7:36-50
A Sinner in Town 城中的罪人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2017-08-06 出埃及記Ex. 17:5-6;哥林多前書1 Cor. 10:1-4
The Rock That Brings Forth Living Water 湧流活水的磐石
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
Words to Fathers 給父親的話
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2017-06-04 Philippians 腓立比書 3:13-14;2 Corinthians 哥林多後書 5:7-9
The Purpose Driven Life of A Christian 基督徒的標竿人生
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
2017-04-23 John 約翰福音 20:1-9
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection 基督復活的意義
Elder Shi-Pei Chu 朱斯白長老
Easter Series 復活節系列
2017-04-16 John約翰福音 20:1-8, 10-20
Easter Series - The Glory of Resurrection - The Empty Tomb - 復活的榮耀 - 空墳墓
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老