2018 Sunday Sermons (主日信息)
2018-12-30 Isaiah 以賽亞書 55:8-11
God’s Word Goes Out and Will Not Return to Him Empty 從神所出的話決不徒然返回
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-12-16 Luke 路加福音 2:1-7
A Most Wonderful Place for Jesus 為耶穌預備的一個最美好的地方
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-12-09 Matthew馬太福音 1:18 - 2:18
What is Your Response to King Jesus? 你對君王耶穌的回應是什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-12-02 Isaiah 以賽亞書 9:6; Luke 路加福音2:11
For To Us A Child Is Born 有一嬰孩為我們而生
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-11-25 2 Cor 哥林多後書 9:6-8
The Bountiful Blessings in Giving 在奉獻中得到的滿滿祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-18 1 Ch代上13:1-4; Ex出25:22; 1 Sa撒上4:3-4, 10-11, 22
Thanksgiving Series感恩系列 (3)
What’s your response to God’s goodness? 對於神的美善我們該如何回應?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-11 Psalm 詩篇 107:1, 8, 22, 32
Oh Give Thanks To The LORD 當稱謝耶和華
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-04 Exodus 出埃及记16:1-8
Thanksgiving Series 感恩系列 (1) Grumbing 发牢骚
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-28 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:16-18
May the Lord of Peace Himself Give you Peace願賜平安的主親自給你們平安
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-21 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:6-15
Work: A Spiritual Blessing from God 工作:神所賜的屬靈祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-14 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:1-5
Being a Part of Advancing the Gospel 加緊傳福音是每位信徒的職責
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-07 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
From Gospel to Glory 從「得福音」到「得榮耀」
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-30 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 3:8-13
Serve not to be recognized but serve to be modeled 不爭人前,不落人後的服事
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-23 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:1-12
Our Attitude towards the Second Coming of Christ 我們對於「基督再來」應有的態度
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-16 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
Tested by Fire 受過試煉的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2028-09-09 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:1-4
Transformed by Trials 通過試煉來改變
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-26 Ephesians 以弗所書 5:18
Be Filled with the Spirit 要被聖靈充滿
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-19 Galatians 加拉太書 5:16-25
Walking in the Spirit 與聖靈同行
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-12 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 6:19-20
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的內住
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-05 Ephesians 以弗所書 2:4-5;Romans 羅馬書 6:3-4
What does baptism remind us of? 洗禮提醒我們什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-29 2 King 列王記 2:14
"Where is the LORD, God of Elijah"耶和華 ─ 以利亞的神在哪裡?
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-22 1 Kings 列王記上 19:1-18
Life of Elijah” series – God’s Graciousness in Times of Spiritual Lowliness
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-15 1 Kings 17-18 列王記上第17-18章
Elijah, Man of God– a Refreshing Voice in a Godless World
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-08 1 Kings 列王記上17:1
Who Will Rescue When God's People Depart from His Ways? The Life of Elijah - part I
當神的子民離棄了神的道路時,誰來拯救他們? 以利亞的生平 - 第一講
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-01 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:23-28
Be Sanctified Completely 全然成聖
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-24 Luke 路加福音 19:1-10 ; Romans 羅馬書 3:10-11
Lost and Found 失去又尋回
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-06-17 Proverbs 31:10-31
The Proverbs 31 Father 箴言 31 章的父親
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-06-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19-22
The Surest Way To Stunt Your Spiritual Growth 扼止靈命成長的最好方法
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-03 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:16-18
God’s Special Wonderful Blessing for You: Joy, Prayer, Thanksgiving
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-20 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:12-15
The Right Relationships Of A Healthy Church 一個健全的教會內該有的正確的關係
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-13 Genesis 創世記12, 16, 21
Encouragement for Wonderful Imperfect Mothers 給優秀而不完美的母親的鼓勵
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-06 Romans 羅馬書7:24-25 ; 2 Corinthians哥林多後書 5:21
The Miracle of Miracles 神蹟中的神蹟
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-4-29 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:1-11
You Are all Children Of Light 你們都是光明之子
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-22 Acts 使徒行傳 4:12
The Only Way 唯一的道路
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-04-15 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:13-18
A Reason for Hope in Death 在死裡面有盼望的一個理由
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-08 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 3: 10-15
Re-think His calling, and Re-start for the further load 重思呼召,再次出發為主作工
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-01 2 Corinthians哥林多後書4:7-18
The Power and Hope of the Resurrection! 复活的大能与盼望!
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-30 Matthew馬太福音 27:45-54
Good Friday: The Temple Curtain Was Torn 聖殿裡的幔子裂了
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-03-25 1 Thessalonians帖撒羅尼迦前書4:9-12 Matthew馬太福音5:16
Live Out Your Faith Life 活出你信心的生命
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:1-8
A Call To Holiness in an Unholy World 一個在不聖潔的世界中活出聖潔的呼籲
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 3:9-13
The Measures of Christian 基督徒靈命成長的標準
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-04 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:17-3:8
Genuine Care for the Spiritual Life of Others 對他人靈命的真正關懷
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-25 Psalm 詩篇 16:4a,Matthew 馬太福音 5:13-16
Where does America go? 美國往哪裡去?
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-02-18 : 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13-16
When you see the truth, Embrace the truth 當你接觸到真理,就去接受真理
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:1-12
Saved to Build Others Up 得救為了建造他人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-02-04 1 Peter 彼得前書 3:15
Hope for Eternity, Blessings for Today 永生的盼望 , 今生的祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-28 Philippians 腓立比書 3:12-14
The Service of Paul 保罗的事奉 (5)
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-01-21 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:5-10
The Pattern of the Church with the Beautiful Testimony 有美好见证的教会模式
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-01-14 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:1-4
The Beautiful Testimony of the Thessalonian Church 帖撒羅尼迦教會美好的見證
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-07 Deuteronomy 申命記 6:4-9
Who Is Your God? 你的神是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
God’s Word Goes Out and Will Not Return to Him Empty 從神所出的話決不徒然返回
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-12-16 Luke 路加福音 2:1-7
A Most Wonderful Place for Jesus 為耶穌預備的一個最美好的地方
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-12-09 Matthew馬太福音 1:18 - 2:18
What is Your Response to King Jesus? 你對君王耶穌的回應是什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-12-02 Isaiah 以賽亞書 9:6; Luke 路加福音2:11
For To Us A Child Is Born 有一嬰孩為我們而生
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-11-25 2 Cor 哥林多後書 9:6-8
The Bountiful Blessings in Giving 在奉獻中得到的滿滿祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-18 1 Ch代上13:1-4; Ex出25:22; 1 Sa撒上4:3-4, 10-11, 22
Thanksgiving Series感恩系列 (3)
What’s your response to God’s goodness? 對於神的美善我們該如何回應?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-11 Psalm 詩篇 107:1, 8, 22, 32
Oh Give Thanks To The LORD 當稱謝耶和華
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-04 Exodus 出埃及记16:1-8
Thanksgiving Series 感恩系列 (1) Grumbing 发牢骚
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-28 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:16-18
May the Lord of Peace Himself Give you Peace願賜平安的主親自給你們平安
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-21 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:6-15
Work: A Spiritual Blessing from God 工作:神所賜的屬靈祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-14 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:1-5
Being a Part of Advancing the Gospel 加緊傳福音是每位信徒的職責
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-07 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
From Gospel to Glory 從「得福音」到「得榮耀」
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-30 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 3:8-13
Serve not to be recognized but serve to be modeled 不爭人前,不落人後的服事
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-23 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:1-12
Our Attitude towards the Second Coming of Christ 我們對於「基督再來」應有的態度
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-16 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
Tested by Fire 受過試煉的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2028-09-09 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:1-4
Transformed by Trials 通過試煉來改變
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-26 Ephesians 以弗所書 5:18
Be Filled with the Spirit 要被聖靈充滿
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-19 Galatians 加拉太書 5:16-25
Walking in the Spirit 與聖靈同行
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-12 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 6:19-20
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的內住
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-05 Ephesians 以弗所書 2:4-5;Romans 羅馬書 6:3-4
What does baptism remind us of? 洗禮提醒我們什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-29 2 King 列王記 2:14
"Where is the LORD, God of Elijah"耶和華 ─ 以利亞的神在哪裡?
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-22 1 Kings 列王記上 19:1-18
Life of Elijah” series – God’s Graciousness in Times of Spiritual Lowliness
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-15 1 Kings 17-18 列王記上第17-18章
Elijah, Man of God– a Refreshing Voice in a Godless World
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-08 1 Kings 列王記上17:1
Who Will Rescue When God's People Depart from His Ways? The Life of Elijah - part I
當神的子民離棄了神的道路時,誰來拯救他們? 以利亞的生平 - 第一講
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-01 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:23-28
Be Sanctified Completely 全然成聖
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-24 Luke 路加福音 19:1-10 ; Romans 羅馬書 3:10-11
Lost and Found 失去又尋回
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-06-17 Proverbs 31:10-31
The Proverbs 31 Father 箴言 31 章的父親
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-06-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19-22
The Surest Way To Stunt Your Spiritual Growth 扼止靈命成長的最好方法
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-03 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:16-18
God’s Special Wonderful Blessing for You: Joy, Prayer, Thanksgiving
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-20 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:12-15
The Right Relationships Of A Healthy Church 一個健全的教會內該有的正確的關係
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-13 Genesis 創世記12, 16, 21
Encouragement for Wonderful Imperfect Mothers 給優秀而不完美的母親的鼓勵
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-06 Romans 羅馬書7:24-25 ; 2 Corinthians哥林多後書 5:21
The Miracle of Miracles 神蹟中的神蹟
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-4-29 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:1-11
You Are all Children Of Light 你們都是光明之子
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-22 Acts 使徒行傳 4:12
The Only Way 唯一的道路
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-04-15 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:13-18
A Reason for Hope in Death 在死裡面有盼望的一個理由
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-08 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 3: 10-15
Re-think His calling, and Re-start for the further load 重思呼召,再次出發為主作工
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-01 2 Corinthians哥林多後書4:7-18
The Power and Hope of the Resurrection! 复活的大能与盼望!
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-30 Matthew馬太福音 27:45-54
Good Friday: The Temple Curtain Was Torn 聖殿裡的幔子裂了
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-03-25 1 Thessalonians帖撒羅尼迦前書4:9-12 Matthew馬太福音5:16
Live Out Your Faith Life 活出你信心的生命
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:1-8
A Call To Holiness in an Unholy World 一個在不聖潔的世界中活出聖潔的呼籲
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 3:9-13
The Measures of Christian 基督徒靈命成長的標準
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-04 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:17-3:8
Genuine Care for the Spiritual Life of Others 對他人靈命的真正關懷
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-25 Psalm 詩篇 16:4a,Matthew 馬太福音 5:13-16
Where does America go? 美國往哪裡去?
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-02-18 : 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13-16
When you see the truth, Embrace the truth 當你接觸到真理,就去接受真理
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:1-12
Saved to Build Others Up 得救為了建造他人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-02-04 1 Peter 彼得前書 3:15
Hope for Eternity, Blessings for Today 永生的盼望 , 今生的祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-28 Philippians 腓立比書 3:12-14
The Service of Paul 保罗的事奉 (5)
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-01-21 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:5-10
The Pattern of the Church with the Beautiful Testimony 有美好见证的教会模式
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-01-14 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:1-4
The Beautiful Testimony of the Thessalonian Church 帖撒羅尼迦教會美好的見證
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-07 Deuteronomy 申命記 6:4-9
Who Is Your God? 你的神是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Thanksgiving Series 感恩系列
2018-11-25 2 Cor 哥林多後書 9:6-8
The Bountiful Blessings in Giving 在奉獻中得到的滿滿祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-11-18 1 Ch代上13:1-4; Ex出25:22; 1 Sa撒上4:3-4, 10-11, 22
Thanksgiving Series感恩系列 (3)
What’s your response to God’s goodness? 對於神的美善我們該如何回應?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-11 Psalm 詩篇 107:1, 8, 22, 32
Oh Give Thanks To The LORD 當稱謝耶和華
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-04 Exodus 出埃及记16:1-8
Thanksgiving Series 感恩系列 (1) Grumbing 发牢骚
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
The Bountiful Blessings in Giving 在奉獻中得到的滿滿祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-11-18 1 Ch代上13:1-4; Ex出25:22; 1 Sa撒上4:3-4, 10-11, 22
Thanksgiving Series感恩系列 (3)
What’s your response to God’s goodness? 對於神的美善我們該如何回應?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-11 Psalm 詩篇 107:1, 8, 22, 32
Oh Give Thanks To The LORD 當稱謝耶和華
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-11-04 Exodus 出埃及记16:1-8
Thanksgiving Series 感恩系列 (1) Grumbing 发牢骚
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書
2018-10-28 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:16-18
May the Lord of Peace Himself Give you Peace願賜平安的主親自給你們平安
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-21 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:6-15
Work: A Spiritual Blessing from God 工作:神所賜的屬靈祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-14 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:1-5
Being a Part of Advancing the Gospel 加緊傳福音是每位信徒的職責
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-07 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
From Gospel to Glory 從「得福音」到「得榮耀」
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-23 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:1-12
Our Attitude towards the Second Coming of Christ 我們對於「基督再來」應有的態度
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-16 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
Tested by Fire 受過試煉的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2028-09-09 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:1-4
Transformed by Trials 通過試煉來改變
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
May the Lord of Peace Himself Give you Peace願賜平安的主親自給你們平安
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-21 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:6-15
Work: A Spiritual Blessing from God 工作:神所賜的屬靈祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-14 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書3:1-5
Being a Part of Advancing the Gospel 加緊傳福音是每位信徒的職責
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-10-07 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
From Gospel to Glory 從「得福音」到「得榮耀」
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-23 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:1-12
Our Attitude towards the Second Coming of Christ 我們對於「基督再來」應有的態度
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-09-16 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:5-12
Tested by Fire 受過試煉的信心
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2028-09-09 2 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦後書1:1-4
Transformed by Trials 通過試煉來改變
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
The Holy Spirit 聖靈
2018-08-26 Ephesians 以弗所書 5:18
Be Filled with the Spirit 要被聖靈充滿
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-19 Galatians 加拉太書 5:16-25
Walking in the Spirit 與聖靈同行
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-12 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 6:19-20
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的內住
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
Be Filled with the Spirit 要被聖靈充滿
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-19 Galatians 加拉太書 5:16-25
Walking in the Spirit 與聖靈同行
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-12 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 6:19-20
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit 聖靈的內住
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
The Life of Elijah 以利亞的生平
2018-07-29 2 King 列王記 2:14
"Where is the LORD, God of Elijah"耶和華 ─ 以利亞的神在哪裡?
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-22 1 Kings 列王記上 19:1-18
Life of Elijah” series – God’s Graciousness in Times of Spiritual Lowliness
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-15 1 Kings 17-18 列王記上第17-18章
Elijah, Man of God– a Refreshing Voice in a Godless World
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-08 1 Kings 列王記上17:1
Who Will Rescue When God's People Depart from His Ways? The Life of Elijah - part I
當神的子民離棄了神的道路時,誰來拯救他們? 以利亞的生平 - 第一講
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
"Where is the LORD, God of Elijah"耶和華 ─ 以利亞的神在哪裡?
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-22 1 Kings 列王記上 19:1-18
Life of Elijah” series – God’s Graciousness in Times of Spiritual Lowliness
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-15 1 Kings 17-18 列王記上第17-18章
Elijah, Man of God– a Refreshing Voice in a Godless World
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-07-08 1 Kings 列王記上17:1
Who Will Rescue When God's People Depart from His Ways? The Life of Elijah - part I
當神的子民離棄了神的道路時,誰來拯救他們? 以利亞的生平 - 第一講
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書
2018-07-01 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:23-28
Be Sanctified Completely 全然成聖
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19-22
The Surest Way To Stunt Your Spiritual Growth 扼止靈命成長的最好方法
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-03 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:16-18
God’s Special Wonderful Blessing for You: Joy, Prayer, Thanksgiving
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-20 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:12-15
The Right Relationships Of A Healthy Church 一個健全的教會內該有的正確的關係
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-4-29 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:1-11
You Are all Children Of Light 你們都是光明之子
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-15 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:13-18
A Reason for Hope in Death 在死裡面有盼望的一個理由
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-25 1 Thessalonians帖撒羅尼迦前書4:9-12 Matthew馬太福音5:16
Live Out Your Faith Life 活出你信心的生命
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:1-8
A Call To Holiness in an Unholy World 一個在不聖潔的世界中活出聖潔的呼籲
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 3:9-13
The Measures of Christian 基督徒靈命成長的標準
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-04 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:17-3:8
Genuine Care for the Spiritual Life of Others 對他人靈命的真正關懷
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13-16
When you see the truth, Embrace the truth 當你接觸到真理,就去接受真理
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:1-12
Saved to Build Others Up 得救為了建造他人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-01-21 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:5-10
The Pattern of the Church with the Beautiful Testimony 有美好见证的教会模式
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-01-14 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:1-4
The Beautiful Testimony of the Thessalonian Church 帖撒羅尼迦教會美好的見證
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
Be Sanctified Completely 全然成聖
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-10 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:19-22
The Surest Way To Stunt Your Spiritual Growth 扼止靈命成長的最好方法
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-03 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:16-18
God’s Special Wonderful Blessing for You: Joy, Prayer, Thanksgiving
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-20 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書5:12-15
The Right Relationships Of A Healthy Church 一個健全的教會內該有的正確的關係
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-4-29 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:1-11
You Are all Children Of Light 你們都是光明之子
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-15 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:13-18
A Reason for Hope in Death 在死裡面有盼望的一個理由
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-25 1 Thessalonians帖撒羅尼迦前書4:9-12 Matthew馬太福音5:16
Live Out Your Faith Life 活出你信心的生命
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書4:1-8
A Call To Holiness in an Unholy World 一個在不聖潔的世界中活出聖潔的呼籲
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 3:9-13
The Measures of Christian 基督徒靈命成長的標準
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-04 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:17-3:8
Genuine Care for the Spiritual Life of Others 對他人靈命的真正關懷
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-18 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:13-16
When you see the truth, Embrace the truth 當你接觸到真理,就去接受真理
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-02-11 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:1-12
Saved to Build Others Up 得救為了建造他人
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-01-21 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:5-10
The Pattern of the Church with the Beautiful Testimony 有美好见证的教会模式
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-01-14 1 Thessalonians 帖撒羅尼迦前書1:1-4
The Beautiful Testimony of the Thessalonian Church 帖撒羅尼迦教會美好的見證
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
Other Messages
2018-09-30 1 Timothy 提摩太前書 3:8-13
Serve not to be recognized but serve to be modeled 不爭人前,不落人後的服事
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-05 Ephesians 以弗所書 2:4-5;Romans 羅馬書 6:3-4
What does baptism remind us of? 洗禮提醒我們什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-24 Luke 路加福音 19:1-10 ; Romans 羅馬書 3:10-11
Lost and Found 失去又尋回
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-06-17 Proverbs 31:10-31
The Proverbs 31 Father 箴言 31 章的父親
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-13 Genesis 創世記12, 16, 21
Encouragement for Wonderful Imperfect Mothers 給優秀而不完美的母親的鼓勵
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-06 Romans 羅馬書7:24-25 ; 2 Corinthians哥林多後書 5:21
The Miracle of Miracles 神蹟中的神蹟
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-22 Acts 使徒行傳 4:12
The Only Way 唯一的道路
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-04-08 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 3: 10-15
Re-think His calling, and Re-start for the further load 重思呼召,再次出發為主作工
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-01 2 Corinthians哥林多後書4:7-18
The Power and Hope of the Resurrection! 复活的大能与盼望!
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-30 Matthew馬太福音 27:45-54
Good Friday: The Temple Curtain Was Torn 聖殿裡的幔子裂了
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-02-25 Psalm 詩篇 16:4a,Matthew 馬太福音 5:13-16
Where does America go? 美國往哪裡去?
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-02-04 1 Peter 彼得前書 3:15
Hope for Eternity, Blessings for Today 永生的盼望 , 今生的祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-28 Philippians 腓立比書 3:12-14
The Service of Paul 保罗的事奉 (5)
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-01-07 Deuteronomy 申命記 6:4-9
Who Is Your God? 你的神是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
Serve not to be recognized but serve to be modeled 不爭人前,不落人後的服事
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-08-05 Ephesians 以弗所書 2:4-5;Romans 羅馬書 6:3-4
What does baptism remind us of? 洗禮提醒我們什麼?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-06-24 Luke 路加福音 19:1-10 ; Romans 羅馬書 3:10-11
Lost and Found 失去又尋回
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-06-17 Proverbs 31:10-31
The Proverbs 31 Father 箴言 31 章的父親
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-05-13 Genesis 創世記12, 16, 21
Encouragement for Wonderful Imperfect Mothers 給優秀而不完美的母親的鼓勵
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
2018-05-06 Romans 羅馬書7:24-25 ; 2 Corinthians哥林多後書 5:21
The Miracle of Miracles 神蹟中的神蹟
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-04-22 Acts 使徒行傳 4:12
The Only Way 唯一的道路
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-04-08 1 Corinthians 哥林多前書 3: 10-15
Re-think His calling, and Re-start for the further load 重思呼召,再次出發為主作工
Pastor James Hsu 徐健長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-04-01 2 Corinthians哥林多後書4:7-18
The Power and Hope of the Resurrection! 复活的大能与盼望!
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)
2018-03-30 Matthew馬太福音 27:45-54
Good Friday: The Temple Curtain Was Torn 聖殿裡的幔子裂了
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-02-25 Psalm 詩篇 16:4a,Matthew 馬太福音 5:13-16
Where does America go? 美國往哪裡去?
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-02-04 1 Peter 彼得前書 3:15
Hope for Eternity, Blessings for Today 永生的盼望 , 今生的祝福
Pastor James Fan 范存光長老
2018-01-28 Philippians 腓立比書 3:12-14
The Service of Paul 保罗的事奉 (5)
Elder Shi-Pei 朱斯白長老
2018-01-07 Deuteronomy 申命記 6:4-9
Who Is Your God? 你的神是誰?
Pastor Alex Liu 劉以信長老
(Sermon slides here)