Our sister church, CCFC Alhambra, is hosting a Spring Retreat at their church location during Memorial Day weekend (Fri 5/27 - Sun 5/29). Our church has been invited to attend and we encourage you to join the retreat in person (although Livestream is also available). Brothers and sisters are encouraged to attend both Friday and Saturday sessions. On Sunday, however, we will still hold Sunday School and worship at CCFCIV.
If you plan to attend this retreat in person at Alhambra, please fill out this survey https://forms.gle/eg8vvoz5ZrYXyamf9, this helps their church prepare the children's program and other accommodations. Recordings of all retreat messages will be made available online afterwards. Please see below for schedule, speakers, and topics.
我們的姊妹教會「阿罕布拉中國信徒家庭教會」 將在美國國殤紀念日週末(5月27日 週五 - 5月29日 周日)在他們的教堂所在地舉辦春令退修會。鼓勵弟兄姊妹預留週五和週六時間並現場參加。(有為不方便的弟兄姊妹提供線上直播)周日上午我們CCFCIV 的主日學和崇拜將照常舉行。
如果您計劃現場參加,請填寫此表格 https://forms.gle/eg8vvoz5ZrYXyamf9, 以便阿罕布拉教會準備兒童看顧和其它的需求。所有退修會的信息都會有錄音。請參考以下的日程安排、講員和主題。
If you plan to attend this retreat in person at Alhambra, please fill out this survey https://forms.gle/eg8vvoz5ZrYXyamf9, this helps their church prepare the children's program and other accommodations. Recordings of all retreat messages will be made available online afterwards. Please see below for schedule, speakers, and topics.
我們的姊妹教會「阿罕布拉中國信徒家庭教會」 將在美國國殤紀念日週末(5月27日 週五 - 5月29日 周日)在他們的教堂所在地舉辦春令退修會。鼓勵弟兄姊妹預留週五和週六時間並現場參加。(有為不方便的弟兄姊妹提供線上直播)周日上午我們CCFCIV 的主日學和崇拜將照常舉行。
如果您計劃現場參加,請填寫此表格 https://forms.gle/eg8vvoz5ZrYXyamf9, 以便阿罕布拉教會準備兒童看顧和其它的需求。所有退修會的信息都會有錄音。請參考以下的日程安排、講員和主題。
中文講員 Chinese Speaker: 鍾順貴牧師 Pastor Norman Chung
English Speaker: Elder Jackson Randall
"The Commissioned Church"
English Speaker: Elder Jackson Randall
"The Commissioned Church"
CCFC Alhambra 115 S Marengo Ave. Alhambra, CA 91801 |
Past Retreats message recordings
2017 Spring Retreat 春令退修會
Speaker: Dr. Erik Thoennes
Message 1: Get Real! (Acts 19:1-7)
Message 2: Preach It! (Acts 19:8-10)
Message 3: Teach It! (Acts 19:9-10)
Message 4: Live It! (Acts 19:11-20)
Message 5: Take the Lead! (Acts 20:17-38)
Message 1: Get Real! (Acts 19:1-7)
Message 2: Preach It! (Acts 19:8-10)
Message 3: Teach It! (Acts 19:9-10)
Message 4: Live It! (Acts 19:11-20)
Message 5: Take the Lead! (Acts 20:17-38)
講員: 黃成培牧師
1) 使命人生-從跟從耶稣開始
2) 大使命的大時代
3) 得勝者之歌
4) 大使命教會的實踐-「道成肉身」的榜樣
5) 大使命的僕人領袖
1) 使命人生-從跟從耶稣開始
2) 大使命的大時代
3) 得勝者之歌
4) 大使命教會的實踐-「道成肉身」的榜樣
5) 大使命的僕人領袖
2018 Spring Retreat 春令退修會
Message Recordings
Theme: A Faithful God for a Fallen People
English Speaker: Elder Kenny Clark All the Families of the Earth Shall Be Blessed! Genesis 12:1-9 No Way! Way Genesis 18:1:15 Join the Resistance! Genesis 19: 1-29 Stand Firm in the Grace of God 1 Peter 5:6-1 Psalm of Praise Psalm 145 |
主題: 生命建造,靈性復興
講員: 陳鴻沫牧師 緊握應許, 人的感動 尼希米第一章 建造的策略, 人的行動 尼希米第二章 建造的攔阻, 人的信念 尼希米第四章 建造的喜樂, 勤讀聖言 尼希米第八章 認罪悔改, 神施慈愛 尼希米第九章 |
Workshop Recordings
Relationships with the Opposite Sex: A Biblical Perspective
Speaker: Pastor Elton Chu Your Work Matters to God – How a biblical theology of work will transform what you do Monday through Friday Speaker: Elder Alex Liu What’s your type? Speaker: Sister Nancy Hu |